2020 Zero Draft Thirty March Challenge: Day 13

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2020


One month. FADE IN to FADE OUT. Creativity meets Productivity.

Write an entire draft of a script in March — FADE IN. FADE OUT. Or any sort of creative goal you have in front of you.

Feature length movie screenplay. Original TV pilot. Rewrite a current project. Break a story in prep. Generate a month’s worth of story concepts.

Whatever you feel will ratchet your creative ambitions into overdrive…


To download your very own Zero Draft Thirty calendar — designed and created by Steven Dudley — and track your daily progress:


On Twitter, use this hashtag: #ZD30SCRIPT.

Zero Draft Thirty Facebook Group: Here. 3,800+ members strong.

Today’s Writing Quote

“A great script creates an irresistible narrative flow that propels a reader to an inevitable dramatic conclusion.”

— Javier Grillo-Marxuach

Today’s Inspirational Video

What a compelling story. God bless both Dad and the heart recipient. And godspeed to you, Abbey.

Today’s Loos Award winner: Lesa Babb.

In the Zero Draft Thirty Facebook group page, Lesa posted this:

This morning’s brain vomit. Gearing for the afternoon. Pausing here to thank you Scott Myers for your ebook Rewriting A Screenplay. TBT 2017🙏 The one where you explain action in terms of Event-Attitude-Growth. Pure screenwriting gold! ✨ Here’s a resulting doodle from my recent fav The Report by Scott Z. Burns.

Here is an excerpt from the free eBook:

Moreover, within each scene and sequence, there is a constant interplay between Plotline and Themeline where the events in the External World influence the character’s attitudes in the Internal World which causes them to grow which in turns impacts their actions.

You can download the eBook here. There are 12 free Go Into The Story eBooks featuring some of my most popular blog articles.

For reminding us about this free resource — nearly 1,000 pages of free GITS goodness! — and the wonderful sketch featured above, the recipient of today’s Anita Loos Award is Lesa Babb!

Want an Anita Loos Award? Upload an inspirational thought or photo here, on Twitter, or the Facebook group. Aspire to inspire! The spirit of the Award!

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 1

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 2

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 3

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 4

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 5

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 6

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 7

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 8

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 9

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 10

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 11

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 12


