Daily Dialogue — April 15, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
1 min readApr 15, 2018


Suzanne and Michael in a motel room. She emerges from the bathroom in a negligee. He prepares a drink, his back to her. She approaches.

Suzanne: Don’t you like me?
Michael: (turns around) Yeah, I like you.
Suzanne: (unbottoning his shirt) Then what’s the matter?
Michael: Just try to make a point of staying away from married women.
Suzanne: Why? Marriage is just a state of mind.
Michael: Not in Texas.
Suzanne: We’re not in Texas.

Red Rock West (1993), written by John Dahl, Rick Dahl

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Femme Fatale.

Trivia: John Dahl named Dennis Hopper’s character “Lyle from Dallas” after the director’s first guitar, a Lyle guitar.

Dialogue On Dialogue: To be a femme fatale, it pays to have a good sense of geography… and male topography.

