Daily Dialogue — April 17, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2018


Anakin: Master, sir, I heard Yoda talking about midichlorians. I’ve been wondering, what are midichlorians?
Qui-Gon Jinn: Midichlorians are a microscopic life form that resides within all living cells.
Anakin: They live inside me?
Qui-Gon Jinn: Inside your cells, yes. And we are symbionts with them. Anakin: Symbionts?
Qui-Gon Jinn: Life forms living together for mutual advantage. Without the midichlorians, life could not exist and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us telling us the will of the Force.

Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (1999), written by George Lucas

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Technobabble.

Trivia: Jake Lloyd has said that he retired from acting because of the trauma he experienced after playing Anakin Skywalker. According to Lloyd, other children constantly teased him about the role. For example they would make lightsaber sounds whenever he walked by. Lloyd also said that the situation was made worse because, in his opinion, the film did not meet the fans’ expectations. Despite this, Lloyd has reprised the role of Anakin in several video games and has appeared at Star Wars events.

Dialogue On Dialogue: Beware technobabble. The appearance of “midichlorians” in SW:I turned off a LOT of Star Wars fans.

