Daily Dialogue — December 10, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2018


“I might be the only person on the face of the earth that knows you’re the greatest woman on earth. I might be the only one who appreciates how amazing you are in every single thing that you do, and how you are with Spencer, “Spence,” and in every single thought that you have, and how you say what you mean, and how you almost always mean something that’s all about being straight and good. I think most people miss that about you, and I watch them, wondering how they can watch you bring their food, and clear their tables and never get that they just met the greatest woman alive. And the fact that I get it makes me feel good, about me.”

As Good As It Gets (1997), screenplay by Mark Andrus and James L. Brooks, story by Mark Andrus

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Profession of Love, suggested by Mark Furney.

Trivia: An earlier version of the script was called “Old Friends”. It was listed as one of the best unproduced screenplays by Movieline Magazine, and had Kevin Kline and Mike Newell attached at one point to star in and direct it, respectively.

Dialogue On Dialogue: A wonderful profession of love with a button — “And the fact that I get it makes me feel good, about me” — which reflects Melvin’s flawed skills at interpersonal communications. He more than makes up for it with his second attempt at kissing Carol.

