Daily Dialogue — January 22, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
1 min readJan 22, 2018


“Hey, Dad. You wanna have a catch?”

Field of Dreams (1988), screenplay by Phil Alden Robinson, novel by W.P. Kinsella

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Question.

Trivia: After the movie was completed, test audiences didn’t like the name “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, because they said it sounded like a movie about a bum or hobo. Universal called Director and Screenwriter Phil Alden Robinson to tell him that “Shoeless Joe” didn’t work, and the studio changed the title of the film to “Field of Dreams”. When Robinson heard the news of the change, he called W.P. Kinsella, the author of the book, and told him the “bad” news, but apparently he didn’t care, saying that “Shoeless Joe” was the title the publishing company gave the book. Kinsella’s original title was “Dream Field”.

Dialogue On Dialogue: And with this question, hundreds of thousands of grown men sitting in dark movie theaters broke down into heaping sobs, the lethal emotional combination of baseball and fathers.

