Daily Dialogue — July 11, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2018


Lorna: You’re my mother’s hairdresser?
George: I do her hair, yeah.
Lorna: Are you gay? Did you hear me?
George: Yeah.
Lorna: Well, are you? Queer?
George: …yeah.
Lorna: C’mon, are you or aren’t you?

Shampoo (1979), written by Robert Towne, Warren Beatty

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Hair.

Trivia: This is Carrie Fisher’s film debut. She was cast in the role mainly through family connections. She said when Warren Beatty ran lines with her, he did it while eating. She said the whole thing for her was a lark. She also admitted years later in an article she wrote for Rolling Stone magazine that star Beatty unsuccessfully propositioned her.

Dialogue On Dialogue: Young Lorna (Carrie Fisher) presses George (Warren Beatty) about his sexual orientation because it all leads up to her line, “Wanna fuck?” The whole premise of the movie is that George is an infamous Beverly Hills hairdresser who serves as a kind of stud service for wealthy women.

