Daily Dialogue — July 31, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2018


Annie Wilkes: The swearing, Paul. There, I said it.
Paul Sheldon: The, uh, profanity bothers you?
Annie Wilkes: It has no nobility.
Paul Sheldon: These are slum kids, I was a slum kid. Everybody talks like that.
Annie Wilkes: THEY DO NOT! What do you think I say when I go to the feedstore in town, “Oh, now Wally, give me a bag of that F-in’ pig feed, and ten pounds of that bitchly cow corn”? And the bank do I tell Mrs. Bollinger, “Oh, here’s one big bastard of a check, give me some of your Christ-ing money?” THERE, LOOK THERE, SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!

Misery (1990), screenplay by William Goldman, novel by Stephen King

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Stephen King. Today’s suggestion by Barbara Soares.

Trivia: After refusing to speak about his motivations for writing “Misery” for two decades, Stephen King finally came out and stated that it is indeed about his battle with substance abuse. Kathy Bates’ character is a representation of his dependency on drugs, and what it did to his body, making him feel alone and separated from everything, while hobbling any attempts he made at escape. In his statement, he said he did not come out with it at the time, because he was not ready, and because he was afraid it would detract from the story.

Dialogue On Dialogue: And poor Paul gets a whiff of Crazy Annie setting up a doozy of a thriller.

