Daily Dialogue — May 18, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
1 min readMay 18, 2018


“I do wish we could chat longer, but I’m having an old friend for dinner.”

The Silence of the Lambs (1991), screenplay by Ted Tally, novel by Thomas Harris

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Double Entendre.

Trivia: Jame Gumb is the combination of three real-life serial killers: Ed Gein, who skinned his victims, Ted Bundy, who used the cast on his hand as bait to convince women to get into his van, and Gary Heidnick, who kept women he kidnapped in a pit in his basement. Gein was only positively linked to two murders, and suspected of two others. He gathered most of his materials through grave robbing, not murder.

Dialogue On Dialogue: What a great line from Lecter to Starling, a bit of dramatic irony in that the audience knows the intent of the double entendre — poor Dr. Alex Chilton! — while Starling can only manage to keep repeating, “Dr. Lecter… Dr. Lecter… Dr. Lecter.”

