Daily Dialogue — May 28, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2018


Grumpy: That’s a lot of money. If this Joker guy was so smart, he’d have had us bring a bigger car. [promptly draws his gun and points it a Bozo] I’m bettin’ the Joker told you to kill me as soon as we loaded the cash.
Bozo: [looks at his watch, checking it. He sighs] No, no no no. I kill the bus driver.
Grumpy: [as Bozo moves a few paces to one side] Bus driver? What bus driver?

A school bus reverses through the bank’s doors and smashes into Grumpy.

The Dark Knight (2009), screenplay by Jonathan Nolan & Christopher Nolan, story by Christopher Nolan & David S. Goyer, characters by Bob Kane

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Bank.

Trivia: The bus crashing backwards into the bank in the opening sequence was much harder to pull off than was anticipated. The bus had to be taken apart and reassembled inside the building (a disused post office), concealed behind a large false wall, and then propelled backwards with an air cannon.

Dialogue On Dialogue: The Opening Incident in The Dark Knight is not only a great action sequence, it also demonstrates how much foresight The Joker has with his planning, even down to the exact location he needs Grumpy to be in for the bus to take him out.

