Daily Dialogue — October 6, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
1 min readOct 6, 2018


“You weren’t there. You never were. Things were so different then. The Bayou was open. Sitting on that front porch, I stared into your eyes for hours. That terrible night. When that storm ripped and screamed through everything. The abuse. The denial. The redemption. We shared it all. You were my rock. My salvation.”

Mulholland Drive (2001), written by David Lynch

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Acting.

Trivia: David Lynch originally wrote the basic idea for the story in the early 1990s, as a spin off of Twin Peaks (1990). The character arc of Betty in the movie was written for Twin Peaks (1990) supporting character Audrey Horne, who would have been the central figure of the proposed spin-off.

Dialogue On Dialogue: Great acting comparing the two versions Betty (Naomi Watts) does during this audition.

