Daily Dialogue — September 10, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
1 min readSep 10, 2018


“I hate space.”

Gravity (2013), written by Alfonso Cuarón, Jonás Cuarón

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Outer Space.

Trivia: The film’s cascade of debris is a very real possibility. This scenario is known as the Kessler syndrome, named after N.A.S.A. scientist Donald J. Kessler who first proposed the theory in 1978. A cascading Kessler syndrome involving an object the size of the International Space Station would trigger a catastrophic chain-reaction of debris. The orbiting debris field would make it impossible to launch space exploration missions or satellites for many decades.

Dialogue On Dialogue: Such a great line because it has a double meaning. Stone certainly hates space as she’s trying to survive in it. She also hates ‘space’ which exists in her home since her daughter has died.

