Daily Dialogue — September 22, 2018

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2018


Bob: I think I know what you’ve been going through, man, ‘coz I’ve been through some heavy shit myself. If you feel alone, like nobody in the world cares and nobody in the fucking world gives a shit, then I’m here…
Anthony: …That was a stop sign, man…
Bob: I’m ready to listen, man. If you want, I’ll even open up first. I mean, my brother, that’s a shit situation ya’ know, I mean he beats the crap outta me all the time.

Bottle Rocket (1996), written by Owen Wilson, Wes Anderson

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Wes Anderson.

Trivia: The film scored the worst test screening points in the history of Columbia Pictures at the time.

Dialogue On Dialogue: One of many funny scenes in this underrated Wes Anderson debut feature.

