Daily Dialogue theme next week: Aaron Sorkin

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2018


Join the Daily Dialogue crew: 3,656 consecutive days and counting.

The Daily Dialogue theme for next week: Aaron Sorkin.

“But before that, you sold carbonated sugar water, right? I sat in a fucking garage with Wozniak and invented the future, because artists lead and hacks ask for a show of hands.”

No one writes dialogue quite like Aaron Sorkin, so in one respect this should be an easy week — many memorable scenes from which to choose. But the hard thing is… which ones?

Let’s see where our journey through Sorkin Land takes us this week. Click Write a response and post your recommendations there.

What to do:

  • Copy/paste dialogue from IMDb Quotes or some other transcript source.
  • Copy/paste the URL of an accompanying video from YouTube or some other video source.
  • Any trivia about the movie which you think would be of interest to readers, we always welcome that.

I’d also ask you to think about why the dialogue is notable. Is there anything about the dialogue which provides some takeaway related to the craft of writing? If so, feel free to share your Dialogue On Dialogue.

Consecutive days of Daily Dialogue posts: 3,656.

Be a part of the proud Daily Dialogue tradition, post a suggestion in a RESPONSE, and have your name emblazoned on a blog post which will forever hold a hallowed spot in the Go Into The Story archives!

Upcoming schedule of themes:

May 28-June 3: Bank
June 4-June 10: Combat
June 11-June 17: Nora Ephron
June 18-June 24: Heist
June 25-July 1: Aliens
July 2-July 8: Billy Wilder
July 9-July 15: Hair

If you have any suggestions for Daily Dialogue themes, please post them in a RESPONSE and I’ll be happy to consider them for the series.

Be sure to post your ideas for this week’s theme: Aaron Sorkin.

Continued thanks to all of you Daily Dialogue devotees, and your suggested dialogue and dialogue themes. Grateful for your ongoing support!

