Page One: ‘As Good as It Gets’ (1997)

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
1 min readSep 21, 2020


Screenplay by Mark Andrus and James L. Brooks, story by Mark Andrus

Here is the movie version of the opening scene:

In the screenwriting universe, we hear a lot of talk about the importance of creating a sympathetic protagonist. In this opening scene, the Protagonist dumps a dog down the trash chute. And yet, after a few more scenes, we find the character of Melvin Udall to be a compelling Protagonist. This movie serves as an excellent example of how we do not need to be constrained by trying to make a Protagonist sympathetic. Make them interesting.

Page One is a daily Go Into The Story series featuring the first page of notable movie scripts from the classic era to contemporary times. Comparing them is an excellent way to study a variety of writing styles and see how professional writers start a story.

For more Page One posts, go here.

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