‘Raiders’: Damon Lindelof’s love letter to a ‘perfect movie’

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2011


The always excellent Hero Complex (LAT) features a terrific guest essay today by Damon Lindelof in which he writes a love letter to Raiders of the Lost Ark. An excerpt:

And here’s the thing: Although it’s easy to reduce “Raiders” to a “popcorn” movie — a piece of escapist adventure with fantastic action — very rarely is it appreciated for its pure innovative genius. This is something people seemed to be well aware of back in 1981 (it was nominated for a best picture Oscar), but over time, the legacy of “Raiders” seems to neglect just how incredibly revolutionary it was as a film. Therefore, as a debt of gratitude (and for everything I’ve stolen from it in my own work), I feel it’s only fitting to write a long overdue love letter to one of my favorite films ever. So without further ado…

Dear “Raiders of the Lost Ark,”

You are awesome. God, you are awesome.

I have seen you, in your entirety, more than one hundred times. I know there are folks out there that have seen you more than that, but they don’t know you like I do.

I really know you. I know what music you listen to and where your scars are. I know that you like to be kissed where it doesn’t hurt. And I’m sorry if that seems a little “creepy,” but hey, you’re into snakes and melt people’s faces off, so we’re speaking the same language, are we not?

Read the whole thing. It’s wonderful.

I can still remember seeing Raiders for the first time, opening night in a big single screen movie theater in Ventura, California. Absolutely one of the best movie experiences of my life. I think you’d have to put Raiders right up there with other ‘perfect’ movies like The Apartment and Casablanca, perhaps the greatest action-adventure film of all time.

As a reminder, here is the trailer from 1981:


How about you? If you wrote a love letter to Raiders, what would you say?

For the entire Lindeof column, go here.

UPDATE: I forgot but I posted this on the actual 30th anniversary of the premiere day of Raiders. And let’s not forget Mystery Man’s analysis of the George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Larry Kasdan transcripts, notes from their Raiders brainstorming sessions. BTW you can download the entire 125 transcript here.

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