Script Analysis: “The Incredibles” — Scene By Scene Breakdown
Here is my take on this exercise from a previous series of posts — How To Read A Screenplay:
After a first pass, it’s time to crack open the script for a deeper analysis and you can do that by creating a scene-by-scene breakdown. It is precisely what it sounds like: A list of all the scenes in the script accompanied by a brief description of the events that transpire.
For purposes of this exercise, I have a slightly different take on scene. Here I am looking not just for individual scenes per se, but a scene or set of scenes that comprise one event or a continuous piece of action. Admittedly this is subjective and there is no right or wrong, the point is simply to break down the script into a series of parts which you then can use dig into the script’s structure and themes.
The value of this exercise:
* We pare down the story to its most constituent parts: Scenes.
* By doing this, we consciously explore the structure of the narrative.
* A scene-by-scene breakdown creates a foundation for even deeper analysis of the story.
This week: The Incredibles (2004). You may download a PDF of the script here.

Written and directed by Brad Bird.
IMDb plot summary: A family of undercover superheroes, while trying to live the quiet suburban life, are forced into action to save the world.
The Incredibles
Scene by Scene Breakdown
By Traci Nell Peterson
GoIntoTheStory.comP. 1–2: Documentary-style interviews and individual introductions of Superheroes: Mr. Incredible [dashing hero, hints of “super” fatigue?], Elastigirl [Independent, top of her game] and Frozone [super-chill ladies man].
P. 2–3: Hot pursuit scene, bank robbers being chased by police car. Nearby, Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible) drives his car, radio song interrupted by Announcer describing the high- speed chase and it’s location. Bob presses a button on dashboard, car converts Bob into Mr. Incredible, another button transforms the car into superhero’s-ride-worthy vehicle: INCREDIBILE.
P. 3–4: Through windshield, Bob notices an Old Lady waves him down. Here to Serve, Mr. Incredible helps Old Lady get her stuck cat Squeakers out of tree, all the while ever aware of the police/robber pursuit heading his way. Mr. Incredible rips tree out of the ground, shakes Squeakers free, and with perfect-timing, slams the tree onto hood of robbers’ car.
P. 4–5: Mr. Incredible replaces the tree, no harm done, admired by Cops — but wait, over radio, another crime! Mr. Incredible checks his watch, he “still has time.” He hops into Incredibile, surprised by boy in homemade superhero costume, Incrediboy(!) aka Buddy. Incredibile’s door opens and Incrediboy is ejected. Mr. Incredible peels off.
P. 5–7: Mr. Incredible finds Purse Snatcher on roof, he pulls a gun on Mr. Incredible, but a phantom arm stretches and punches Snatcher — knocks him out cold. Elastigirl. Playful banter about who actually nabbed the Snatcher, Theme Stated by Mr. Incredible: “Thanks, but I don’t need any help…I work alone.” After dazzling Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl makes her flirtatious exit.
P. 7- 8: Mr. Incredible handcuffs Snatcher to a rooftop pipe, a helicopter blazing bullets flies overhead, Frozone appears, reminds Mr. Incredible of the time and continues in hot pursuit of helicopter. Mr. Incredible shouts that “he’s still got time!” when he hears a Woman scream about a suicide Jumper. Mr. Incredible assesses the situation, leaps, tackles the Jumper and both crash into window of bank building. Another rescue! Jumper complains of a broken collarbone while Mr. Incredible’s keen senses alert him of an odd beeping noise from wall…
P. 9–10: BOOM! Through new hole in wall, the silhouette of master criminal Bomb Voyage! Superhero and Bomb Voyage are about to face off when Incrediboy flies onto the scene; very proud of his rocket boots. Mr. Incredible isn’t impressed, tells Buddy to go home. Buddy is embarrassed, thinks he’s not wanted because he invents things but doesn’t have powers. Theme re-stated: “Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.” Sneering Bomb Voyage attaches a small bomb onto Buddy’s cape as Buddy angrily flies out window. Mr. Incredible jumps onto flying Buddy to remove bomb. Mr. I and the bomb drops onto train tracks…
P. 11: BOOM! The bomb destroys a section of track, that will obliterate the oncoming train! Mr. Incredible stops the train with his will and strength. Moments later, Mr. Incredible talks with Police, Bomb Voyage got away. Mr. Incredible hands Buddy over, asks police to take Buddy home and tell his mom what he’s been up to. Buddy protests, insists he can help, another shut-down from Mr. Incredible “You’re not affiliated with me!” An alarm on Mr. Incredible’s watch goes off, he’s late!
P. 12–13: Mr. Incredible/Bob drives up to a cathedral, dressed in a tux. Frozone/Lucius chides him for being late, reminds him to take off his mask. Inside chapel a small gathering of friends and the bride, Elastigirl/Helen waits for him with Reverend. Emotional subplot: The two independent superheroes are uniting. At least by the act of marriage…
P. 13–15: After the “I do,” an immediate world-shattering moment, documentary style. Superheroes are sued, vilified and rejected via very public media and protests. Superhero Relocation Program initiated. The Supers become average, walk among us.
P. 15–17: 15 years later… Out of shape Bob Parr sits in cubicle at his corporate insurance job. Drone-like he denies/explains the brutal facts to old woman’s claim. He takes a call from Helen, intro of baby Jack-Jack Parr getting a bath in kitchen sink. Helen lets Bob know that after 3 years she has finally unpacked the last box from the last move. Bob hangs up, decides to break company policy and surreptitiously helps old woman navigate the company’s back doors to get her claim approved.
P. 18: Intro to Bob’s troll of a boss Mr. Huph. Chewing-out-Bob scene reveals how impotent Mr. Incredible has become.
P. 18–19: Helen is called into the Principal’s office, intro of Dash Parr. Dash sits in office looking guilty and avoids eye contact with his teacher Bernie Kropp. Kropp accuses Dash of being disruptive and putting tacks on his chair; and he’s got video proof! Kropp readies the evidence, Helen and Dash are nervous. Video proof doesn’t show much of anything, Dash lives up to his name. Principal apologizes on Kropp’s behalf. Kropp loses it, “little rat” “smug little face” “GUILTY!!!”
P. 20: Helen and Dash have a heart-to-heart in car on way home. Helen explains that Dash can’t do sports because the world just wants the Supers to fit in, be like everyone else. Gives the “everyone’s special” line that Dash rebuffs with “which is another way of saying no one is.”
P. 21: Intro of Violet Parr as she waits shyly/nervously behind a bush for her crush Tony Rydinger to come out of school. When he does, he turns to look at Violet, but she’s disappeared! Behind the bush, Violet’s clothes are visible, but not her body. She reappears, blushing that “he looked at me!” Honk from Helen’s car pulls her back to reality.
P. 21–22: Bob pulls into his driveway in a neighborhood of unexceptional homes, worn out from the day. He opens his door and steps onto a skateboard left in driveway, he grabs roof of car to steady himself then realizes he has crumpled the roof of his car, great. Door won’t close properly, frustrated Bob slams the car door shut which shatters the car window. He loses it, lifts car over his head — and reveals a 5 year old neighbor kid Rusty Mcallister astride a big wheel, mouth agape. Bob sets car down, pretends nothing happened, walks inside.
P. 22–25: A glimpse into the Parr Family dynamics via the dinner table conversation. Helen feeds Jack-Jack, Bob reads the paper. Helen reminds Dash he needs to tell his father about Principal’s office. Dash tries to dodge the inevitable but Helen reveals all. Bob is distracted through the conversation until he hears that Dash wasn’t actually caught on tape — he’s that fast. Much to Helen’s dismay, Bob is thrilled by this news. Focus gets turned to Violet, she’s got nothing. Until Dash reveals her crush’s name. Sibling fight erupts, each using their superpower to attack/avoid the other. Elastigirl has to intervene as she screams for inattentive Bob (now in the kitchen) to also engage. Bob is distracted by a headline that a former Super Gazerbeam is missing. Bob finally lifts the table where Violet and Dash dangle from Elastigirl’s knotted arms, Jack-Jack laughs happily. DOORBELL.
P. 26–27: Lucius/Frozone is at the door, all mayhem ceases. Bob leaves in a hurry with Lucius, “bowling night.” Helen’s after chat with the kids informs that the kids aren’t thrilled about not being normal, envious of no-powers Jack-Jack.
P. 27–30: Bowling night a ruse to sit in Lucius’ car and relive glory days and monitor the police scanner. While they chat, introduced to Mirage, sitting in another car watching/ stalking Frozone. Bob and Frozone debate about being Supers on the sly when over scanner dispatch warns of a building fire. Bob is thrilled, Frozone, less so. They drive off Mirage follows.
P. 30–32: Raging inferno, Bob and Frozone, wearing ski masks, rescue unconscious people. Frozone can’t put out fire, he’s dehydrated! Bob smashes their way out through wall into next building. Everyone’s ok, when ALARM goes off. They’ve smashed into a jewelry store… with a water cooler. Rookie cop enters store, but Frozone is able to down a cup of water. SHOT FIRED! Bullet frozen in mid-air.
P. 32–35: Bob and Frozone get away in car, Frozone vows to never do that again. Mirage watches from her car, she switches targets… Bob gets home, he and Helen have a fight over police scanner activities (again), relocating, mediocrity, the kids. Both realize the kids are in the room listening. Fight ends, without any resolution.
P. 35–38: Bob is at work the next day, Mr. Huph has some things to say. Mr. Huph gripes at Bob makes Bob seem/feel even more impotent, when Bob glances out the window and sees a guy being mugged in an alley. Bob goes to help but Mr. Huph gives him an ultimatum: stop or get fired. Bob doesn’t leave, mugger gets away, Bob is infuriated by Mr. Huph and his callous attitude. Bob grabs Huph by the throat. Huph is thrown through a wall, skids into hallway. A different angle reveals that Bob has actually thrown Huph through several walls.
P. 39–40: At hospital, Huph is in full body cast, Bob waits in hallway and meets with Dicker, a government agent sent to clean-up former supers mistakes. He offers to relocate Bob’s family one last time, Bob declines.
P. 40–43: Bob in driveway, Big Wheel Kid waits for him, waiting for something amazing to happen. Bob disappoints, goes inside to his den, wall to wall memorabilia of his glory days, including his old super suit. Fired from his job, Bob empties out his briefcase into trash bin, a CLUNK noise makes him take a second look, finds a manilla envelope. Inside envelope a flat panel that scans Bob and the room. Mirage appears on screen, refers to him as Mr. Incredible and makes him a job offer, while Helen shouts that dinner is ready. Bob copies as much info on a notepad, including a contact phone number. Bob works to keep Mirage offer a secret as Helen questions him from his den’s locked door. Then, the panel self-destructs, tripping the smoke alarm/sprinkler system.
P. 43–44: Bob and Helen dry the house, Helen thanks Bob for working for their family, acknowledges that he misses being the hero. Bob starts to tell Helen the bad news, but her “expecting bad news reaction” changes his mind, lies and says he’s going to a conference. Later, in his den, Bob calls Mirage, he’s in.
P. 45–46: Mr. Incredible wears his too-tight super suit, gets a debrief from Mirage in a futuristic manta ray styled aircraft. A battle robot has gone rogue, they need Bob to find it, stop it without completely destroying it. Mr. Incredible is more than up for the task, if he can get his body into the tiny transport pod.
P. 46–49: After wrenching himself from landed pod, Mr. Incredible confidently jogs into the jungle… confidence replaced with heavy breathing. He stops for a rest, finds evidence that robot has been there… and is still there! Mr. Incredible is caught off guard, but quickly recovers, landing a solid punch that knocks robot flying into tree. Easy job, until robot rights itself, evil red eye lens fixes on Mr. Incredible. Back and forth battle, but robot is clearly outsmarting, maneuvering and muscling Mr. Incredible through the jungle and into a lava field. Out of shape Mr. Incredible wrenches his back after flipping robot into lava. Mr. Incredible thinks he’s won, but robot is back with a vengeance. Robot claw slams Mr. Incredible to the ground, thankfully it realigns Mr. Incredible’s back, he back in business! He manages to get inside robot, fools the robot to attack itself, rip it’s own mechanical guts out. Mr. Incredible’s feat is recorded by a mechanical spying bird. A shadowed figure and Mirage watch Mr. Incredible on a bank of video screens. Shadow instructs Mirage to hire Mr. Incredible again and invite him to dinner.
P. 49–51: Bob is early to the dinner party, a massive hall with a table and lava falls — swank. A rumble as lava falls part, Bob instinctively pulls back through doors, but watches as Mirage appears, talks to unseen person, he can’t hear what they say. A sound alerts Mirage, she opens dining hall doors, it appears that Bob is just exiting his transport pod. Cryptic conversation at dinner table as Mirage apologizes that the host can’t join them. Bob is understanding but also savvy.
P. 51: Montage “Incredible Again” Bob is back in the game of life, all-in with wife, kids, workout, new car. He looks and feels great.
P. 51–55: Months later, Bob inspects his super suit, there’s a tear… Bob drives up to an imposing house gate, Guard on video screen asks if Bob has an appointment, Guard is pushed from screen a small head with huge glasses inspects Bob via camera — Edna Mode, “E” invites Bob in, gate opens to minimalistic/futuristic arty home. E is a fashion designer/superhero wardrobe designer who “never looks back, it distracts from the now.” E agrees to make him a new suit, but no capes! E lists all the catastrophes that befell the cape wearing supers. Bob insists he isn’t a super anymore, E agrees to do a patch job on his old “hobo suit,” and make a new suit.
P. 55–57: Helen does laundry, in their closet, Helen spies a white strand of hair on Bob’s suit jacket. That moment the phone rings, Bob is too quick to insist that he’s got it and Helen isn’t to answer. Helen is suspicious. She lifts the phone and hears the partial conversation between Bob and Mirage, it doesn’t help Helen’s suspicions/fears. Helen asks about phone call, he claims it’s another conference, short notice. Helen follows Bob to the garage, deflated, conflicted, he sits in the car, she tells him she loves him. He does too, quick kiss, Bob is off.
P. 57–59: Bob flies in the Manta Jet, in his new super suit, eats a shrimp cocktail, living the dream. Manta Jet dives into the ocean into an underwater hangar. Mirage waits for him inside the MonoPod, notices his weight loss and new suit. They travel inside pod through the island paradise, and on to his suite. It’s the definition of perfection. Mirage will brief him about new assignment at 2pm, conference room A113.
P. 60: Helen vacuums the den floor, notices that the super suit display case is ajar, Helen recognizes the perfect stitches that repair the super suit — “Edna.” Helen makes a call, E is thrilled to hear from Helen, insists she come to see, “since they are all finished.”
P. 61–64: Bob waits in room A113, until the wall slides open and a bigger/badder robot grabs Bob and flings him across the jungle. Before he can react, robot is there, pinned him down. A wild-haired man explains that after some major modifications, the robot is finally worthy to fight Mr. Incredible, since he is “…your biggest fan.” Bob realizes who he’s dealing with, Buddy. Buddy is incensed by that name, he’s not Incrediboy either. FLASHBACK of Buddy’s disappointment as he rips down his bedroom shrine to Mr. Incredible, “I work alone.” repeated. Back to jungle: Mr. Incredible apologizes for treating him that way. Cynic Buddy doesn’t want apologies he’s monologuing Syndrome! Bob takes advantage of his situation and throws a log at Syndrome, but no good. Syndrome’s “zero-point” technology encompasses Bob, Syndrome flings Bob against a tree. Syndrome takes a verbal victory lap, inadvertently flings Bob across the jungle. Bob hits river water, Syndrome in hot pursuit, Bob jumps over waterfall, disappears into mists below. Syndrome drops a a beeping wristband device over the falls. Underwater, Bob sees the beeping device fall into the water, he paddles furiously to get away towards a hole in the rocks — BOOM!
P. 64–65: Bob is blown through the hole and into an underwater cave, he finds the upright skeletal remains of the super, Gazerbeam. Bob discovers that Gazerbeam has burned a word into the cave walls: KRONOS. Bob hears sound of another device/probe searching the cave, it scans the skeletal remains, then exits the cave. Bob rises from behind skeleton, watches probe leave. Probe emerges from falls, docks to Syndrome’s wristband. Device declares Mr. Incredible “terminated.” Syndrome takes a moment out of respect for his former idol.
P. 65–68: At E’s home, Helen gets the hidden, highly weaponized lab tour. All the latest technology and secrecy dedicated to the craft of making super suits. E begins the mannequin fashion-show, of sorts, as she describes each family members custom suit: baby’s suit is roomy, perfect for sensitive skin and can withstand temps up to 1000 degrees! Burst from flamethrower and the machine gun fire (also bulletproof) horrifies Helen. Helen’s mannequin has standard features, plus frictionless and stretch as far as she can — it also breathes like Egyptian cotton. Each suit has a homing device, giving precise location. Show over, Helen fumes that E helped Bob resume super work behind her back. E counters that she assumed Helen knew, why would Bob keep this secret from her? (ouch.) “Do you know where he is?” E’s question hangs in the air…
P. 69: Bob uses his super expertise via palm trees to hitch a ride on the island’s monopod transportation system. Bob heads toward Syndrome’s base. At checkpoint, bottom-half of monopod approaches the Guards, putting Guards on alert. Suddenly from above, the top-half of monopod crashes on top of Guards. Bob runs toward base.
P. 69–70: Bob distracts the Guards at the base’s vehicle entrance, his distraction is also his way in. Bob makes his way to dining hall, he knows there’s a secret passage behind lava falls. He hefts a massive stone sculpture, about to run when a flash of light behind the falls indicates the falls are opening. Bob struggles to return massive sculpture and hide before Mirage enters dining hall. He manages to squeak through lava falls as the passage closes. Floor lights click on as he walks passage to a chair and curved screen centered in the dark. Bob types in KRONOS, it works. Bob is in mainframe.
P. 70–71: Meanwhile, back at E’s house, Helen gets a dose of reality, Bob was terminated 2 months ago. E’s hanging question is answered, “So you don’t know where he is…” E holds up super suit homing device, “Would you like to find out?” INTERCUT back with Bob at screen he discovers Syndrome has been using/terminating Supers, from weakest to strongest, to test his robots. Elastigirl’s pic and name comes up, she’s listed as “whereabouts: UNKNOWN.” Huge sigh of relief from Bob. CUT back to Helen, homing device in hand… CUT back to Bob he discovers Syndrome’s masterplan is to release the ultimate robot weapon on a major city. CUT back to Helen as she presses the homing device, Bob’s location is instantly discovered, a remote island. CUT back to Bob, the dot over the “i” on his chest lights up/beeps. An alarms sounds, Bob runs for exit, but alarm triggers guns shooting sticky balls of goo that inflate upon contact. Bob is enveloped but not before he sees Mirage.
P. 72: Helen blubbers in E’s kitchen, “the car, the blonde hair, the lies!” E isn’t into self- pity, she sets Elastigirl straight with power pep-talk, while whacking her with a rolled up newspaper.
P. 72- 74: Pep-talk or newspaper assault works because Helen is home, arranging the plan with the kids, they stay home, Violet in charge, plenty of leftovers. Kids find new super suits while Helen packs and calls in a favor from a friend Snug — a jet favor. In Snug’s office on tarmac, he opens his blinds and reveals a beauty power-jet.
P. 75: Helen pilots the jet, she contacts Island Tower, gives her call signal, requests vectors for imminent approach. No answer. Suspicious, but Helen tries to tamp down her life experience sirens. She engages AUTOPILOT, grabs her superset and goes into lavatory.
P. 76–77: Bob wakes up discovers he is in a high-tech cell, bound by metal restraints, faces a electrified bed of nails device. Syndrome monologues, again. Syndrome is both impressed and disappointed by Mr. Incredible faking his death and then calling for help. Bob doesn’t understand, Syndrome explains the homing signal in his suit, and the approaching government plane, Mirage plays Helen’s transmission asking for vectors. Bob is horrified when he hears Helen’s voice. Syndrome relishes the thought of destroying someone that Bob knows, he presses the red “LAUNCH” button.
P. 77–79: Helen steps from lavatory in super suit, she tosses her bag onto passenger seat, discovers Violet and Dash have stowed away. Helen is angry, can’t believe Violet left Jack-Jack alone, but Violet arranged for a sitter… Kari McKeon, 13 chats on phone with Helen while Jack-Jack plays in background. No worries, Kari knows exactly what to do, CPR, Mozart, she can handle anything. Helen isn’t convinced, until a warning signal comes from cockpit — rockets appear above the clouds. “Fasten seat belts” signs light up above Dash and Violet. Helen gets on radio, begs for missiles to be disengaged.
P. 79–80: Back at Bob’s cell, Helen’s pleadings are heard over radio. Bob is horrified… RESUME back to jet, Helen wildly maneuvers to lose the missiles, tossing the kids up and down the jet’s aisle. Helen stabilizes and tells Violet to throw a force field around the plane. Violet protests, she’s not supposed to use her powers — she’s never done one that big before! CUT to Bob’s cell, he listens to the argument via Helen’s radio, he promises to do anything if they will call off the missiles. Syndrome is ruthless, “Too late. Fifteen years too late.” BACK to jet where Violet frets a tiny force field. Helen turns back to cockpit, the jet’s radar shows the missiles converging, closing in — Helen shouts into headset one last pleading, missiles are closer! Helen throws off her headset, leaps and stretches, enveloping her kids the instant before, explosion FIREBALL! CUT to Bob’s cell, horrified as he watches the radar, indicating a hit.
P. 80–81: Fiery jet falls through the sky, along with an orange-red ball that slowly unfurls. Helen, unconscious, and the screaming kids free-fall toward the ocean. Helen comes to, grabs her kids and forms a parachute to slow their descent to a ocean splashdown. Helen calms the panicked kids only to shout a warning as burning fuselage hits near the water near them. Plane disappears into the depths.
P. 81–82: Back to Bob’s cell, Radio Tech’s voice confirms target destroyed. Syndrome is heartless, goads Bob that he’ll get over it because Bob prefers to “work alone.” Enraged, Bob bursts from his leg cuffs, lunges for Syndrome, Mirage shoves Syndrome aside, saving him, and is snagged by Bob instead. Bob demands release or he’ll crush Mirage. Syndrome doesn’t buy it, tells him to go ahead — this stuns Mirage. Syndrome is right, Bob releases Mirage. Syndrome, tech and Mirage leave the cell. Mr. Incredible is alone to weep.
P. 82–83: Back to ocean. Kids are still in shock/panic Helen insists they get a grip or they’re grounded! Helen slips into Elastigirl mode effortlessly, follows the missile trails decides on a path goal. Helen wins the kids trust and form a plan. Helen in shape of a raft with Violet sitting on her, Dash’s speeding legs serve as raft’s motor. Raft heads toward missile’s origin.
P. 83–85: Just after sunset when the castaways make land. Helen and Dash are spent, Helen is proud of Dash. Inside a cave the trio huddles around a fire. Helen lays out the plan. Helen will go look for Bob, Violet is in charge until she gets back. Helen reaches into her duffle, pulls out the kids’ masks, “your identity is your most valuable possession.” Further instructions, anything goes wrong, use your powers, the bad guys will not show restraint because they are children, they will kill, don’t give them that chance. Helen gives them hugs, tells them to keep each other safe. Violet apologizes for not being able to make a forcefield, Helen apologizes instead. But no time for doubt now, confident Violet will know what to do if the time comes. Helen leaves. Violet puts on her mask, an official super.
P. 86: Syndrome assess the massive rocket in center of volcano, ready to launch. Mirage states that Bob isn’t weak for valuing life, and strength isn’t disregarding life. Syndrome claims he had it all under control, Mirage pushes him away, tells him to gamble with his own life.
P. 86–89: Helen finds the monorail in the jungle, stretches herself grabs hold of monopod, like monkey bars she swings herself up and over on top of monopod, keeps out of sight of hover jets, inside tunnel Helen spies the rocket, it’s tip empty. Helen hides between ceiling and pipes from approaching Guards. Using her stretch abilities Helen both disarms (punches) several Guards and unlocks series of doors, she stuffs them into a panel. She’s in.
P. 90–92: Back to cave, Violet practices her force field, traps campfire smoke inside bubble. Dash watches, but decides exploring would be better. Back to rocket control room, the giant spherical OMNIDROID robot is guided into tip of rocket, nose cone lowered. Dash explores the cave, the dirt floor turns smooth, he lifts his torch, he’s actually inside an enormous man-made tunnel. Back to control room, Syndrome keys the control board, presses launch; rocket’s engines FIRE, rocket slowly lifts. Back to Dash in tunnel, warm wind hits Dash, tunnel begins to glow, Dash realizes a fireball heads towards him, Dash RUNS! Violet hears the rumble, sees Dash, both race out of cave, clear the entrance just as the wall of flames burst from cave entrance. Behind them, Rocket emerges from center of volcano, soars into the night sky.
P. 92: Helen crawls through ventilation system, she stretches her neck through ceiling vent, looks over the shoulder of Guards. Helen scans the detention grid, finds the cell with a power spike. Head goes back through vent, undetected by Guards.
P. 92: Above the earth, the Omnidroid’s capsule separates from rocket, it begins its descent.
P. 92–94: Dash wakes up in jungle, horrified that he’s curled up with Violet to keep warm through the night of sleep. A brightly colored bird asks for his identification. Dash thinks bird is cool, wakes up Violet. Bird isn’t satisfied, Violet is unsure until bird shrills an alarm. Dash and Violet run. Back at base, monitoring system lights up, Guard hits the SCRAMBLE button. Velocipedes zoom into jungle
P. 94–95: Mirage sneaks into Bob’s cell, switches off the suspension ray, Bob drops to floor. Mirage tries to help him, he grabs her throat, Mirage can barely explain, family is alive, on island. Bob releases her, but pulls her into an embrace, Mirage loves it until Helen arrives in doorway. Bob pushes himself from Mirage, Mirage begins to introduce herself, but is interrupted by Helen’s fist across Mirage’s jaw. Mirage crumples. Bob grabs Helen’s wrist, tries to explain Mirage was helping. Furious Helen isn’t listening, Bob pulls her into a hug and a big kiss. Helen and Bob have a tiff in front of Mirage when they realize kids are in trouble.
P. 96–98: Dash and Violet run blindly through jungle, desperate to shake Guards, Violet reminds Dash to RUN! Dash obeys, Violet disappears. Guards realize the kids are supers, split to chase Dash and Violet. Dash burns through the jungle, only a swarm of bugs slows him up, he tumbles through undergrowth, repulsed by smashed bugs across his face and teeth. He manages to lose one velocipede guard, via a vine, but he uses jungle vines to travel through the air, lands on velocipod, his speed allows him to dodge guard’s punches, and he can punch Guard! Dash bails velocipod just before it crashes into rock wall. A tree breaks Dash’s fall, he gives a victory Woop! but is running across water as new Guards find/chase him. He’s trapped from front and back as velocipods close in fast, he stops, sinks under water, the collision happens above him, BOOM!
P. 99: Bob and Helen run through jungle, Bob apologizes for not telling Helen he was fired, she’s still angry but he’s just thankful his family is alive.
P. 99–101: Violet stays invisible, tries to shake the Guard after her. Guard is relentless and deadly, machine gun strafes ground, trying to kill. Violet makes it into river, Guard throws dirt to find Violet’s outline in water, Guard raises his gun, Dash blurs passed Guard, knocking his gun upward. Guard aims at Dash, too late. Violet leaves river, again Guard shoots, but Dash attacks Guard, punches him. Guard gets in a punch knocks Dash away. Guard pulls trigger, but Violets throws herself and her forcefield in front of Dash. Her sphere encapsulates the two of them, Dash runs, like a gerbil wheel. Velocipod’s clip each other, explode…
P. 101–102: Helen and Bob hear the explosion, they both hear a rumble, before they can get out of way the rolling force field bursts out of the brush. Helen and Bob stick to sphere like dough on a rolling pin. Violet disengages the force field, entire family tumbles on jungle floor. Joyful hugs until… more velocipedes trust from bushes. The INCREDIBLES instantly jump to their feet, attack mode. Their combined powers make short work of the bad guys. Helen and Bob take a marital moment to declare their love, but it’s cut short when the jungle is suddenly filled with Guards and Velocipods. The Incredibles are paralyzed, mid-air by Syndrome’s IMMOBI-RAYS. He gloats, again, he’s caught a family of supers!
P. 102–103: Network news footage of a crowd gathered around a smoldering lump near a large building. Channel changes, new reporter covering same story. Syndrome surfs channels on giant screen, Incredibles are all imprisoned side by side in suspension beams. Syndrome lays out his grand plan, panicked city, when all is lost, city is saved by him, Syndrome! Bob is incensed; Syndrome has killed real heroes so he can pretend to be one?! Syndrome insists he is a real hero even without special powers, when he retires, he’ll sell his technology so everyone will be super — which means no one will be. Syndrome leaves on that note.
P. 103–104: Bob apologizes to the family for being a lousy father, while he bemoans his faults, Violet quietly reveals that she isn’t trapped in suspension beams, she formed a force field around her! She rolls herself over to control panel. Dash tries to point this out, but Helen shushes him not to interrupt. Bob’s newfound love, humility and vow to get his family out of this mess is touching, especially when Violet releases everyone from the suspension beam.
P. 104–105: As a family team, the Incredibles run through an empty corridor, searching for a way to get to mainland. They make their way to a hangar, surprisingly there are no Guards. Laughter from a large Winnebago, Guards are inside watching the live coverage of Omnidroid attack. They pop the cork of champagne bottle, Mr. Incredible catches it. Bob makes quick work of the group, signals his family that coast is clear. They form a new plan; a plane isn’t fast enough, but a rocket is. Via Mirage, they get password use same coordinates as last rocket launch.
P. 106: Lucius/Frozone realizes the danger to the city, he searches for his super suit, wife isn’t helpful in finding it, she doesn’t catch the greater-good vision.
P. 107–108: Mayhem in city, robot seizes a tanker truck flings is toward baby carriage, when Syndrome arrives to save the day. Crowd excited the Supers have returned, a little confused by who this Super is… Syndrome flings tanker away, it explodes dramatically. Syndrome puts on his show, ready to save the day! Omnidroid receives orders to detach arm on Syndrome’s signal. Omnidroid obeys, crowd cheers. Omnidroid technical readouts reveal its inner problem solving since its control has been stolen by external signal. Omnidroid figures out how to override external remote control. It blasts the remote control off of Syndrome’s wrist, it falls to the ground. Now Omnidroid attacks Syndrome, knocks him out cold.
P. 108–111: Frozone appears on the scene, as does another rocket, the nose opens up to reveal the Winnebago and Helen holding it all in place. Violet throws the release switch to release the giant wing, Helen lets go, slips inside Winnebago. Bob steps on the gas, “This is going to be rough!” Bob lands the RV on a highway, argues with Helen about directions to the financial district. Tricky land-changing to hit the right exit, narrowly missing semi, as Bob slams on the brakes. RV rolls, spraying metal pieces but somehow lands tires down in an open parking space. Family all survived, Omnidroid comes into view. Bob tells Helen to stay hidden, he’s going in.
P. 111–113: Helen isn’t on board with Bob’s plan to “do this alone.” Helen misunderstands his motives, thinks he just wants the super rush, a workout, until Bob shouts the truth, he’s not strong enough to “lose you again!” Helen is stunned by his admission of love and devotion. She points out the reality, if they work together, he won’t have to be the only strong one. Violet screams, the robot attacks her forcefield bubble, knocks her unconscious. Bob runs under robot just before it crushes the kids. Helen grabs Violet and Dash, as robot grabs Bob and flings him into a building.
P. 113–115: Robot sales building looking for Bob. Helen tells kids to stay-put, she runs after Bob. Robot finds Bob, he knocks the robot off the side of building, falling with it as it crashes to street below. Bob hears a familiar sound, ice cracking. Frozone ices the robot’s joints, robot’s motors whine against the ice. Robot flings Frozone onto roof of car, smacks Bob into another building. Frozen and Helen distract the robot, it works. Dazed, Bob sees Syndrome’s wrist device, Bob is captured by robot, but he jabs the buttons on Syndrome’s remote. One of the robot’s limbs releases, sending the robot and Bob crashing to the ground.
P. 115–116: Violet and Dash realize what the remote does, they call for Bob to throw the remote to them. He does, “go long!” Dash runs across river, Robot fires shots at Dash, but Dash still catches it, robot still rains bullets at Dash. Dash is trapped by a wall of flames. Helen uses a manhole cover to take out the robot gun.
P. 116–118: Frozone saves Dash from flames, Dash jumps onto Frozone’s back robot jumps in front of them creating a massive wave, Frozone turns it into snow lands in the street. Remote clatters to the ground. Bob sees it, runs for it but the robot claw encloses Bob, tumbles down street. Robot heads for remote. Frozone ices the road, makes robot slip, Helen brings him down by stretching into a tripwire. Robot crashes into the street. However, the remote is easily within it’s reach. But then it jumps away from its grasp, again and again forcing the robot to tangle its own legs — it’s invisible Violet holding the remote, dodging the robot! Frantic attempts by Violet, Dash, Violet again, Helen and Frozone. Meanwhile, Robot recovers from the various remote commands, heads for the group fiddling with the remote.
P. 118–120: Bob grabs a discarded arm/claw, Helen pushes a button that fires a rocket engine inside the arm Bob holds. He tries to control it, but Helen pushes button again that turns it off. Frozone builds an ice wall in front of Robot, stalling tactic. Bob tells Helen to push the button again, he has an idea. Helen finally knows the right button to push, Bob shouts for her to press it, but she waits for the right moment, there’s only one shot to get it right! Helen presses the button, claw rocket fires directly into metal underbelly, through the metal body and out other side. Nothing. Until it keels over and explodes! Citizens come out onto the street, cheering the heroes, welcoming the Supers return. Syndrome comes to, distraught that his plans are ruined.
P. 120–122: The Incredibles sit in a limo, all smiles, Bob so proud of his family, Helen back in mom-mode, listens for messages on the phone. Dicker (Super relocation agent) tells Bob he’s done good. Not sure if Supers can come out of hiding. Bob and kids share super moment of compliments while Helen frets over strange messages from the babysitter, Kari, she thanks Helen for sending a replacement babysitter. Alarm, Helen didn’t call a replacement. Limo pulls up to house, Incredibles rush through front door — Syndrome! He holds sleeping Jack-Jack in his arms, blasts them with his Zero-point ray, they’re trapped! Syndrome declares his plan to kidnap Jack-Jack and raise him as his own. He blows a hole in roof, a manta jet hovers above. Syndrome slams the Incredibles into a bookcase, Syndrome’s jet-boots send him flying toward jet.
P. 123–124: Helen screams for Bob to do something when Jack-Jack wakes up realizes he’s being taken from his family. Jack-Jack’s crying turns to anger, he bursts into flames, then metal. Syndrome drops with the sudden weight of a metal baby, struggles to stay aloft as Jack-Jack vibrates violently. Syndrome can barely hold on to Jack-Jack. Helen demands Bob stop Syndrome, to throw something but Bob is paralyzed, afraid he’ll hit Jack-Jack. Helen tells hime to throw her. Meanwhile, Jack-Jack rips a valve on Syndrome’s jet-boots that propels him upward, he slams into the wing of the manta-jet, making Syndrome lose grip of Jack-Jack; baby falls.
P. 124–125: Helen jumps into Bob’s arms he flings her toward falling Jack-Jack, she grabs him, blossoms into a parachute. Back to Syndrome, he’s in control again, stands at the docking doors of the manta-jet, declares “This isn’t the end of it! I will get your son! I’ll…” Syndrome’s eyes go wide, as Bob’s sleek car soars toward him, car/jet smashing unbalances Syndrome blowing him toward the turbines, no chance, his cape has been sucked in… manta jet explodes. Helen cradles Jack-Jack, Violet protects them from falling burning wreckage, but home is destroyed by wreckage. When smoke clears, Parr family realizes the Big Wheel kid saw the whole thing, “That was totally wicked!”
P. 125–128: Three months later, Dash is on the Junior High track team finals event. He waves to Bob, Helen and Jack-Jack in the stands. Violet finally meets her crush Tony Rydinger, with a new confidence, Violet helps Tony arrange a movie date. Bob, Helen and Violet cheer Dash on, but not too much, “a close second!” Dash wins 2nd place trophy, thrilled! When suddenly, the ground quakes, cars gutted tossed into the air like toys. A massive drill spirals out of the ground… a new monologuing villain appears, the Underminer! The masked Incredibles smile, ready and willing to take this joker on. Bob rips his shirt open, reveals the “i” super suit underneath. THE END.
Writing Exercise: I encourage you to read the script, but short of that, if you’ve seen the movie, go through this scene-by-scene breakdown. What stands out to you about it from a structural standpoint?
To download a PDF of the breakdown for The Incredibles, go here.
Major kudos to Traci Nell Peterson for doing this week’s scene-by-scene breakdown.
To see 100+ screenplay scene-by-scene breakdowns, go here.
To read an in-depth analysis of The Incredibles, go here.
To read dozens of Go Into The Story Script Reading & Analysis Series, go here.
Reading scripts is hugely important. Analyzing them even more so. If you want to work in Hollywood as a writer, you need to develop your critical analytical skills. This is one way to do that.