Video: Mastering the Screenplay: Exposition in Film

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2017


A short video spotlighting some keys to handling exposition.

Via StudioBinder and featuring clips from Raiders of the Lost Ark, Back to the Future, and Chinatown.

Exposition reveals important backstory about the world and characters, but it must be properly motivated.

  1. Build Excitement: High energy characters (or high stakes situations) can make exposition more urgent and relevant.
‘Back to the Future’: Doc’s manic, charismatic energy disguises the time travel exposition.

2. Visuals: Use dynamic visual aids to simplify complex exposition.

‘Jurassic Park’: The density of information is easier to follow with Mr. DNA.

3. Embrace Lectures: It’s okay to make your protagonist a silent observer in a scene. Just make sure to justify it.

‘Chinatown’: P.I. Jake Gittes is here investigating Mulwray. This information will lead him to crack the case.

It’s a nifty video featuring script to screen comparisons and certainly covers a key subject: Exposition. In fact, I have a one-week online class I’ll be teaching in 2018 called Handling Exposition where I go into this area to depth.

Of course, the single best thing you can do is write compelling exposition. Case in point:

For more StudioBinder videos, go here. For their article going deeper into the subject, go here.

Twitter: @studiobinder.

