Writing Wisdom from Akira Kurosawa

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2021


“You need to get used to the task of writing. You must make an effort to learn to regard it not as something painful, but as routine.”

One of the best things about being a teacher at the DePaul University School of Cinematic Arts is working with my students. They’re talented, motivated, and passionate about exploring their creative instincts and writing abilities. The interesting thing is our relationship is a two-way street. In class, I share everything from essential storytelling principles to inside information about the business of Hollywood to Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung to basically everything they need to know to succeed in the film and TV business.

But you know what? My students also teach me! I learn something every day in my interactions with them.

Here’s an example. One of my DePaul undergraduates Jay has met with me twice this quarter to talk about screenwriting and how to grow as a writer. In our most recent session, we had this conversation:

Jay: I know from your blog you like writer quotes on writing.
Me: Yeah, actually I’m kind of obsessed with them.
Jay: Well, I found this interview with [Akira] Kurosawa and he had this quote which I thought you might like.

Uh, yeah!

Akira Kurosawa

Here is the interview:

And here is the quote:

“I think young people today don’t know the trick of it. They start and want to get to the end right away. When you go mountain climbing, the first thing you’re told is not to look at the peak but to keep your eyes on the ground as you climb. You just keep climbing patiently one step at a time. If you keep looking at the top, you’ll get frustrated. I think writing is similar. You need to get used to the task of writing. You must make an effort to learn to regard it not as something painful but as routine.”

This is a GREAT quote! Especially for my students and ANYONE who is at the front end of their writing career.

Think: Mountain climbing. Think: Keep your eyes on the ground. Think: Keep climbing. Think: One step at a time.

You may want to “get to the end right away.” No. “You need to get used to the task of writing.”

Climb that mountain… one page at a time…

This echoes something I wrote years ago: It’s more than just writing a script. It’s about learning the craft.

So here you go, friends. Wisdom brought to you from one of the greatest filmmakers of all time via one of my wonderful DePaul students.

Feel free to print the quote and post at your writing station.

