2020 Zero Draft Thirty March Challenge: Day 22

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2020


One month. FADE IN to FADE OUT. Creativity meets Productivity.

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 22.

Write an entire draft of a script in March — FADE IN. FADE OUT. Or any sort of creative goal you have in front of you.

Feature length movie screenplay. Original TV pilot. Rewrite a current project. Break a story in prep. Generate a month’s worth of story concepts.

Whatever you feel will ratchet your creative ambitions into overdrive…


To download your very own Zero Draft Thirty calendar — designed and created by Steven Dudley — and track your daily progress:


On Twitter, use this hashtag: #ZD30SCRIPT.

Zero Draft Thirty Facebook Group: Here. 3,800+ members strong.

Today’s Writing Quote

“Forget every rule Syd Field, Robert McKee or any other screenwriting guru ever taught you. Except one: Never be boring.”

— David Mamet

Today’s Inspirational Video

A favorite scene from one of my favorite movies: Singin’ in the Rain. And the whole point of this sequence is about finding inspiration when things aren’t going your way. But the physical gyrations of Donald O’Connor… amazing!

Today’s Loos Award winner: Charlotte Winters.

Over at the Zero Draft Thirty Facebook group, Charlotte posted this the other day:

Hey friends…I’ve been monitoring my state (meditating 2–3 times a day and exercising) and being careful not to freak out. However, I’ve fallen behind on my pages. Can someone please give me a word of encouragement for getting back on the horse?

Of course with the world on edge due to the current pandemic, we should all be doing what we can to take care of ourselves. As writers, this includes reaching out to others for encouragement.

Writing is hard, even in the best of times.

With the situation as it is today, it’s just harder. Schedules upended. Confined to our house. Children at home, spouses at home. Or living alone and unable to socialize. All the while tracking the news to see what else can go wrong.

It’s a tough psychological environment in which to be creative.

That’s why I think Charlotte for reaching out to the Zero Draft Thirty community. It takes courage to seek even a little bit of support, but in doing so, she has reminded all of us… writers know what writers go through. We have empathy in spades.

So if any of you need encouragement, post something here in the response section of this post. Or join the Zero Draft Thirty Facebook group.

This is a unique challenge and we need to pull together to support each of us. Because now more than ever, the world need good stories… and good storytellers.

For that inspiration, the recipient of today’s Anita Loos Award is Charlotte Winters.

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 1

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 2

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 3

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 4

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 5

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 6

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 7

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 8

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 9

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 10

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 11

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 12

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 13

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 14

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 15

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 16

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 17

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 18

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 19

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 20

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 21


