2020 Zero Draft Thirty September Challenge: Day 22

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2020


One month. FADE IN to FADE OUT. Creativity meets Productivity.

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 22.

Write an entire draft of a script in September — FADE IN. FADE OUT. Or any sort of creative goal you have in front of you.

Feature length movie screenplay. Original TV pilot. Rewrite a current project. Break a story in prep. Generate a month’s worth of story concepts.

Whatever you feel will ratchet your creative ambitions into overdrive…


September 1: You type FADE IN / “Once upon a time…”
September 30: You type FADE OUT / “…They all lived happily ever after.”

It’s free! It’s fun! It’s Fade In to Fade Out!

For everything you need to know to join, click here.

To download your copy of the official Zero Draft Thirty calendar created by Stephen Dudley, click here.

On Twitter, use this hashtag: #ZD30SCRIPT.

Zero Draft Thirty Facebook Group: Here. 3,900+ members strong.

Today’s Writing Quote

“Forget every rule Syd Field, Robert McKee or any other screenwriting guru ever taught you. Except one: Never be boring.”

— David Mamet

Today’s Inspirational Video

A favorite scene from one of my favorite movies: Singin’ in the Rain. And the whole point of this sequence is about finding inspiration when things aren’t going your way. But the physical gyrations of Donald O’Connor… amazing!

Zero Draft Thirty: Day 1
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 2
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 3
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 4
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 5
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 6
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 7
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 8
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 9
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 10
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 11
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 12
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 13
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 14
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 15
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 16
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 17
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 18
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 19
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 20
Zero Draft Thirty: Day 21

Each day this month, I’ll post a Zero Draft Thirty Challenge post here at Go Into The Story. And as I’ve done with every past Challenge, I will hand out an award for a notable Tweet, Facebook post, or comment here on the blog. This cycle, the winner will receive the Frances Marion Award!

Today’s Frances Marion Award winner: R.M. Elliott.

Over in the Zero Draft Thirty Facebook group, R.M. posted this:

FADE OUT: ZD30 draft done. Juliet @ Christmas with all of the prerequisites of a rom/com included. Yes even a “you see Timmy” just for good measure. The second screenplay, as yet untitled, at page 18. My muse is running and skipping through my brain so I’m hopeful it too will get to fade out before months end. This groups continues to inspire I appreciated more each challenge. ONWARD OUTLAWS Be well, be blessed, be writing.

The thrill of typing those words: FADE OUT. Only one way to get there: Keep. Writing. Keep. Writing. Keep. Writing…

For that inspiration, the recipient of today’s Frances Marion Award is R.M. Elliott!

You, too, can be a recipient of an award. Just offer some insight, humor, or something which catches my eye, either here, the Facebook group, or on Twitter (#ZD30SCRIPT).

For more information on Frances Marion, one of the earliest and most influential screenwriters in Hollywood, go here.

For background on how the Zero Draft Challenge came into being and what it is, go here, here, and here.

Now Zeronauts, Scampers, Word Warriors, and Outlaws…

Onward to FADE OUT!

