How to Use Go Into The Story (Part 2): Read Scripts

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2022


Some end of the year advice for blog readers.

With over 30,000 Go Into The Story articles, here’s a logical question:


An end of the year series to help.

Part 2: Read Scripts

Many years ago, I coined this screenwriting mantra: Watch movies. Read scripts. Write pages.

Seriously, you can learn the craft just by doing these three things.

Today some tips on how to use Go Into The Story resources to help you read — and more importantly learn — from scripts.

Cary Grant and friend reading a script

Go Into The Story Script Reading and Analysis Series: A bi-weekly series dedicated to reading movie scripts and analyzing them. Hit the link for access to over 100 movies broken down by Plot, Character, Dialogue, Theme, etc.

Go Into The Story Interviews: Over the years, I’ve interviewed 200+ Hollywood professionals, most of them screenwriters and in almost every discussion, we dig down into one or more of their scripts. Go inside writers’ minds!

Great Scenes: Dozens and dozens of movie scenes, most of them featuring script and video.

How to Read a Screenplay: There’s reading a script. Then there’s really reading it. This 7…

