How to Use Go Into The Story (Part 4): Study the Craft

Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2022


Some end of the year advice for blog readers.

With over 30,000 Go Into The Story articles, here’s a logical question:


An end of the year series to help.

Photo by Wade Austin Ellis on Unsplash

Part 4: Study the Craft

Many years ago, I coined this screenwriting mantra: Watch movies. Read scripts. Write pages.

Seriously, you can learn the craft just by doing these three things.

But if you want to maximize your chances of succeeding as a professional screenwriter and/or TV writer, go deeper.

Add two more points of focus to you work: Study the Craft and Learn the Business.

Today some tips on how to use GITS to help you study the craft.

1, 2, 7, 14: A simple formula to be a more productive and better writer.

Black List Writers on the Craft: Read what Black List writers have to say about screenwriting and TV writing.

Character Types: Learn the power archetypes can bring to your writing.

Go Into The Story Interviews: Read my interviews with pro writers including Black List selectees and Nicholl Fellowship winners.

